Kentucky Underground Storage, Inc. (KUSI), situated in the cozy town of Wilmore, KY, is a family-owned gem flourishing under the guidance of Bill Griffin, who established this venture as a sister company to Highbridge Springs in the 1970s. With deep roots tracing back to a limestone quarry purchased by Bill Griffin, KUSI has evolved into one of the premier underground storage facilities offering a range of services, including records management, document digitization, and secure storage for both recreational vehicles and boats. Located conveniently at 502 Crusher Lane, KUSI serves not only Wilmore but also the surrounding regions, steadfastly providing dependable household and commercial storage solutions.

Kentucky Underground Storage Wilmore KY Address

Kentucky Underground Storage
4280 Crusher Ln
Wilmore, KY 40390

Kentucky Underground Storage Wilmore KY Phone Number

(859) 858-4988

Kentucky Underground Storage Wilmore KY Website

Kentucky Underground Storage website

Find more storage solutions, household storage, commercial storage, boat storage, RV storage, camper storage in Wilmore, KY.